Source code for oggm.cli.prepro_levels

"""Command line arguments to the oggm_prepro command

Type `$ oggm_prepro -h` for help


# External modules
import os
import sys
import shutil
import argparse
import time
import logging
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd

# Locals
import oggm.cfg as cfg
from oggm import utils, workflow, tasks, GlacierDirectory
from oggm.core import gis
from oggm.exceptions import InvalidParamsError, InvalidDEMError

# Module logger
from oggm.utils import get_prepro_base_url, file_downloader

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _rename_dem_folder(gdir, source=''):
    """Put the DEM files in a subfolder of the gdir.

    gdir : GlacierDirectory
    source : str
        the DEM source

    # open tif-file to check if it's worth it
    dem_f = gdir.get_filepath('dem')
        dem = gis.read_geotiff_dem(gdir)
    except IOError:
        # Error reading file, no problem - still, delete the file if needed
        if os.path.exists(dem_f):
        gdir.log('{},DEM SOURCE,{}'.format(gdir.rgi_id, source),
                 err=InvalidDEMError('File does not exist'))

    # Check the DEM
    isfinite = np.isfinite(dem)
    if np.all(~isfinite) or (np.min(dem) == np.max(dem)):
        # Remove the file and return
        if os.path.exists(dem_f):
        gdir.log('{},DEM SOURCE,{}'.format(gdir.rgi_id, source),
                 err=InvalidDEMError('DEM does not contain more than one '
                                     'valid values.'))

    # Create a source dir and move the files
    out = os.path.join(gdir.dir, source)
    for fname in ['dem', 'dem_source']:
        f = gdir.get_filepath(fname)
        os.rename(f, os.path.join(out, os.path.basename(f)))

    # log SUCCESS for this DEM source
    gdir.log('{},DEM SOURCE,{}'.format(gdir.rgi_id, source))

[docs]def run_prepro_levels(rgi_version=None, rgi_reg=None, border=None, output_folder='', working_dir='', dem_source='', is_test=False, test_ids=None, demo=False, test_rgidf=None, test_intersects_file=None, test_topofile=None, disable_mp=False, params_file=None, elev_bands=False, centerlines=False, override_params=None, mb_calibration_strategy='informed_threestep', add_consensus_thickness=False, add_itslive_velocity=False, add_millan_thickness=False, add_millan_velocity=False, add_hugonnet_dhdt=False, start_level=None, start_base_url=None, max_level=5, logging_level='WORKFLOW', dynamic_spinup=False, err_dmdtda_scaling_factor=1, dynamic_spinup_start_year=1979, continue_on_error=True): """Generate the preprocessed OGGM glacier directories for this OGGM version Parameters ---------- rgi_version : str the RGI version to use (defaults to cfg.PARAMS) rgi_reg : str the RGI region to process border : int the number of pixels at the maps border output_folder : str path to the output folder (where to put the preprocessed tar files) dem_source : str which DEM source to use: default, SOURCE_NAME or ALL working_dir : str path to the OGGM working directory params_file : str path to the OGGM parameter file (to override defaults) is_test : bool to test on a couple of glaciers only! test_ids : list if is_test: list of ids to process demo : bool to run the prepro for the list of demo glaciers test_rgidf : shapefile for testing purposes only test_intersects_file : shapefile for testing purposes only test_topofile : str for testing purposes only test_crudir : str for testing purposes only disable_mp : bool disable multiprocessing elev_bands : bool compute all flowlines based on the Huss & Farinotti 2012 method. centerlines : bool compute all flowlines based on the OGGM centerline(s) method. mb_calibration_strategy : str how to calibrate the massbalance. Currently one of: - 'informed_threestep' (default) - 'melt_temp' - 'temp_melt' add_consensus_thickness : bool adds (reprojects) the consensus estimates thickness to the glacier directories. With elev_bands=True, the data will also be binned. add_itslive_velocity : bool adds (reprojects) the ITS_LIVE velocity to the glacier directories. With elev_bands=True, the data will also be binned. add_millan_thickness : bool adds (reprojects) the millan thickness to the glacier directories. With elev_bands=True, the data will also be binned. add_millan_velocity : bool adds (reprojects) the millan velocity to the glacier directories. With elev_bands=True, the data will also be binned. add_hugonnet_dhdt : bool adds (reprojects) the hugonnet dhdt maps to the glacier directories. With elev_bands=True, the data will also be binned. start_level : int the pre-processed level to start from (default is to start from scratch). If set, you'll need to indicate start_base_url as well. start_base_url : str the pre-processed base-url to fetch the data from. max_level : int the maximum pre-processing level before stopping logging_level : str the logging level to use (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, WORKFLOW) override_params : dict a dict of parameters to override. dynamic_spinup : str include a dynamic spinup matching 'area/dmdtda' OR 'volume/dmdtda' at the RGI-date err_dmdtda_scaling_factor : float scaling factor to reduce individual geodetic mass balance uncertainty dynamic_spinup_start_year : int if dynamic_spinup is set, define the starting year for the simulation. The default is 1979, unless the climate data starts later. continue_on_error : bool if True the workflow continues if a task raises an error. For operational runs it should be set to True (the default). """ # Input check if max_level not in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: raise InvalidParamsError('max_level should be one of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]') if start_level is not None: if start_level not in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]: raise InvalidParamsError('start_level should be one of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]') if start_level > 0 and start_base_url is None: raise InvalidParamsError('With start_level, please also indicate ' 'start_base_url') else: start_level = 0 if dynamic_spinup: if dynamic_spinup not in ['area/dmdtda', 'volume/dmdtda']: raise InvalidParamsError(f"Dynamic spinup option '{dynamic_spinup}' " "not supported") # Time start = time.time() def _time_log(): # Log util m, s = divmod(time.time() - start, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) log.workflow('OGGM prepro_levels is done! Time needed: ' '{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(int(h), int(m), int(s))) # Local paths if override_params is None: override_params = {} # Use multiprocessing? override_params['use_multiprocessing'] = not disable_mp # How many grid points around the glacier? # Make it large if you expect your glaciers to grow large override_params['border'] = border # Some arbitrary heuristics on the length of tidewater extension extension = int(utils.clip_min(border / 2, 30)) override_params['calving_line_extension'] = extension # Set to True for operational runs override_params['continue_on_error'] = continue_on_error # Do not use bias file if user wants melt_temp only if mb_calibration_strategy in ['melt_temp', 'temp_melt']: override_params['use_temp_bias_from_file'] = False # For centerlines we have to change the default evolution model and bed if centerlines: override_params['downstream_line_shape'] = 'parabola' override_params['evolution_model'] = 'FluxBased' # Other things that make sense override_params['store_model_geometry'] = True utils.mkdir(working_dir) override_params['working_dir'] = working_dir # Initialize OGGM and set up the run parameters cfg.initialize(file=params_file, params=override_params, logging_level=logging_level, future=True) # Prepare the download of climate file to be shared across processes # TODO # Log the parameters msg = '# OGGM Run parameters:' for k, v in cfg.PARAMS.items(): if type(v) in [pd.DataFrame, dict]: continue msg += '\n {}: {}'.format(k, v) log.workflow(msg) if rgi_version is None: rgi_version = cfg.PARAMS['rgi_version'] output_base_dir = os.path.join(output_folder, 'RGI{}'.format(rgi_version), 'b_{:03d}'.format(border)) # Add a package version file utils.mkdir(output_base_dir) opath = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'package_versions.txt') with open(opath, 'w') as vfile: vfile.write(utils.show_versions(logger=log)) if demo: rgidf = utils.get_rgi_glacier_entities(cfg.DATA['demo_glaciers'].index) elif test_rgidf is None: # Get the RGI file rgidf = gpd.read_file(utils.get_rgi_region_file(rgi_reg, version=rgi_version)) # We use intersects rgif = utils.get_rgi_intersects_region_file(rgi_reg, version=rgi_version) cfg.set_intersects_db(rgif) # Some RGI input quality checks - this is based on visual checks # of large glaciers in the RGI ids_to_ice_cap = [ 'RGI60-05.10315', # huge Greenland ice cap 'RGI60-03.01466', # strange thing next to Devon 'RGI60-09.00918', # Academy of sciences Ice cap 'RGI60-09.00969', 'RGI60-09.00958', 'RGI60-09.00957', ] rgidf.loc[rgidf.RGIId.isin(ids_to_ice_cap), 'Form'] = '1' # In AA almost all large ice bodies are actually ice caps if rgi_reg == '19': rgidf.loc[rgidf.Area > 100, 'Form'] = '1' # For greenland we omit connectivity level 2 if rgi_reg == '05': rgidf = rgidf.loc[rgidf['Connect'] != 2] else: rgidf = test_rgidf cfg.set_intersects_db(test_intersects_file) if is_test: if test_ids is not None: try: rgidf = rgidf.loc[rgidf.RGIId.isin(test_ids)] except AttributeError: #RGI7 rgidf = rgidf.loc[rgidf.rgi_id.isin(test_ids)] else: rgidf = rgidf.sample(4) log.workflow('Starting prepro run for RGI reg: {} ' 'and border: {}'.format(rgi_reg, border)) log.workflow('Number of glaciers: {}'.format(len(rgidf))) # L0 - go if start_level == 0: gdirs = workflow.init_glacier_directories(rgidf, reset=True, force=True) # Glacier stats sum_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L0', 'summary') utils.mkdir(sum_dir) opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'glacier_statistics_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) utils.compile_glacier_statistics(gdirs, path=opath) # L0 OK - compress all in output directory log.workflow('L0 done. Writing to tar...') level_base_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L0') workflow.execute_entity_task(utils.gdir_to_tar, gdirs, delete=False, base_dir=level_base_dir) utils.base_dir_to_tar(level_base_dir) if max_level == 0: _time_log() return else: gdirs = workflow.init_glacier_directories(rgidf, reset=True, force=True, from_prepro_level=start_level, prepro_border=border, prepro_rgi_version=rgi_version, prepro_base_url=start_base_url ) # L1 - Add dem files if start_level == 0: if test_topofile: cfg.PATHS['dem_file'] = test_topofile # Which DEM source? if dem_source.upper() == 'ALL': # This is the complex one, just do the job and leave log.workflow('Running prepro on ALL sources') for i, s in enumerate(utils.DEM_SOURCES): rs = i == 0 log.workflow('Running prepro on sources: {}'.format(s)) gdirs = workflow.init_glacier_directories(rgidf, reset=rs, force=rs) workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.define_glacier_region, gdirs, source=s) workflow.execute_entity_task(_rename_dem_folder, gdirs, source=s) # make a GeoTiff mask of the glacier, choose any source workflow.execute_entity_task(gis.rasterio_glacier_mask, gdirs, source='ALL') # Compress all in output directory level_base_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L1') workflow.execute_entity_task(utils.gdir_to_tar, gdirs, delete=False, base_dir=level_base_dir) utils.base_dir_to_tar(level_base_dir) _time_log() return # Force a given source source = dem_source.upper() if dem_source else None # L1 - go workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.define_glacier_region, gdirs, source=source) # Glacier stats sum_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L1', 'summary') utils.mkdir(sum_dir) opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'glacier_statistics_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) utils.compile_glacier_statistics(gdirs, path=opath) # L1 OK - compress all in output directory log.workflow('L1 done. Writing to tar...') level_base_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L1') workflow.execute_entity_task(utils.gdir_to_tar, gdirs, delete=False, base_dir=level_base_dir) utils.base_dir_to_tar(level_base_dir) if max_level == 1: _time_log() return # L2 - Tasks if start_level <= 1: # Check which glaciers will be processed as what if elev_bands: gdirs_band = gdirs gdirs_cent = [] elif centerlines: gdirs_band = [] gdirs_cent = gdirs else: raise InvalidParamsError('Need to specify if `elev_bands` or ' '`centerlines` type.') log.workflow('Start flowline processing with: ' 'N centerline type: {}, ' 'N elev bands type: {}.' ''.format(len(gdirs_cent), len(gdirs_band))) # HH2015 method workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.simple_glacier_masks, gdirs_band) # Centerlines OGGM workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.glacier_masks, gdirs_cent) bin_variables = [] if add_consensus_thickness: from import add_consensus_thickness workflow.execute_entity_task(add_consensus_thickness, gdirs) bin_variables.append('consensus_ice_thickness') if add_itslive_velocity: from import velocity_to_gdir workflow.execute_entity_task(velocity_to_gdir, gdirs) bin_variables.append('itslive_v') if add_millan_thickness: from import thickness_to_gdir workflow.execute_entity_task(thickness_to_gdir, gdirs) bin_variables.append('millan_ice_thickness') if add_millan_velocity: from import velocity_to_gdir workflow.execute_entity_task(velocity_to_gdir, gdirs) bin_variables.append('millan_v') if add_hugonnet_dhdt: from import hugonnet_to_gdir workflow.execute_entity_task(hugonnet_to_gdir, gdirs) bin_variables.append('hugonnet_dhdt') if bin_variables and gdirs_band: workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.elevation_band_flowline, gdirs_band, bin_variables=bin_variables) workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.fixed_dx_elevation_band_flowline, gdirs_band, bin_variables=bin_variables) else: # HH2015 method without it task_list = [ tasks.elevation_band_flowline, tasks.fixed_dx_elevation_band_flowline, ] for task in task_list: workflow.execute_entity_task(task, gdirs_band) # Centerlines OGGM task_list = [ tasks.compute_centerlines, tasks.initialize_flowlines, tasks.catchment_area, tasks.catchment_intersections, tasks.catchment_width_geom, tasks.catchment_width_correction, ] for task in task_list: workflow.execute_entity_task(task, gdirs_cent) # Same for all glaciers if border >= 20: task_list = [ tasks.compute_downstream_line, tasks.compute_downstream_bedshape, ] for task in task_list: workflow.execute_entity_task(task, gdirs) else: log.workflow('L2: for map border values < 20, wont compute ' 'downstream lines.') # Glacier stats sum_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L2', 'summary') utils.mkdir(sum_dir) opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'glacier_statistics_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) utils.compile_glacier_statistics(gdirs, path=opath) if add_itslive_velocity: from import compile_itslive_statistics opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'itslive_statistics_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) compile_itslive_statistics(gdirs, path=opath) if add_millan_thickness or add_millan_velocity: from import compile_millan_statistics opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'millan_statistics_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) compile_millan_statistics(gdirs, path=opath) if add_hugonnet_dhdt: from import compile_hugonnet_statistics opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'hugonnet_statistics_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) compile_hugonnet_statistics(gdirs, path=opath) if add_consensus_thickness: from import compile_consensus_statistics opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'consensus_statistics_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) compile_consensus_statistics(gdirs, path=opath) # And for level 2: shapes if len(gdirs_cent) > 0: opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, f'centerlines_{rgi_reg}.shp') utils.write_centerlines_to_shape(gdirs_cent, to_tar=True, path=opath) opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, f'centerlines_smoothed_{rgi_reg}.shp') utils.write_centerlines_to_shape(gdirs_cent, to_tar=True, ensure_exterior_match=True, simplify_line=0.5, corner_cutting=5, path=opath) opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, f'flowlines_{rgi_reg}.shp') utils.write_centerlines_to_shape(gdirs_cent, to_tar=True, flowlines_output=True, path=opath) opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, f'geom_widths_{rgi_reg}.shp') utils.write_centerlines_to_shape(gdirs_cent, to_tar=True, geometrical_widths_output=True, path=opath) opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, f'widths_{rgi_reg}.shp') utils.write_centerlines_to_shape(gdirs_cent, to_tar=True, corrected_widths_output=True, path=opath) # L2 OK - compress all in output directory log.workflow('L2 done. Writing to tar...') level_base_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L2') workflow.execute_entity_task(utils.gdir_to_tar, gdirs, delete=False, base_dir=level_base_dir) utils.base_dir_to_tar(level_base_dir) if max_level == 2: _time_log() return # L3 - Tasks if start_level <= 2: sum_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L3', 'summary') utils.mkdir(sum_dir) # Climate workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.process_climate_data, gdirs) # Small optim to avoid concurrency utils.get_geodetic_mb_dataframe() utils.get_temp_bias_dataframe() if mb_calibration_strategy == 'informed_threestep': workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.mb_calibration_from_geodetic_mb, gdirs, informed_threestep=True) elif mb_calibration_strategy == 'melt_temp': workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.mb_calibration_from_geodetic_mb, gdirs, calibrate_param1='melt_f', calibrate_param2='temp_bias') elif mb_calibration_strategy == 'temp_melt': workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.mb_calibration_from_geodetic_mb, gdirs, calibrate_param1='temp_bias', calibrate_param2='melt_f') else: raise InvalidParamsError('mb_calibration_strategy not understood: ' f'{mb_calibration_strategy}') workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.apparent_mb_from_any_mb, gdirs) # Inversion: we match the consensus filter = border >= 20 workflow.calibrate_inversion_from_consensus(gdirs, apply_fs_on_mismatch=True, error_on_mismatch=False, filter_inversion_output=filter) # We get ready for modelling if border >= 20: workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.init_present_time_glacier, gdirs) else: log.workflow('L3: for map border values < 20, wont initialize glaciers ' 'for the run.') # Glacier stats opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'glacier_statistics_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) utils.compile_glacier_statistics(gdirs, path=opath) opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'climate_statistics_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) utils.compile_climate_statistics(gdirs, path=opath) opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'fixed_geometry_mass_balance_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) utils.compile_fixed_geometry_mass_balance(gdirs, path=opath) # L3 OK - compress all in output directory log.workflow('L3 done. Writing to tar...') level_base_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L3') workflow.execute_entity_task(utils.gdir_to_tar, gdirs, delete=False, base_dir=level_base_dir) utils.base_dir_to_tar(level_base_dir) if max_level == 3: _time_log() return if border < 20: log.workflow('L3: for map border values < 20, wont compute L4 and L5.') _time_log() return # is needed to copy some files for L4 and L5 sum_dir_L3 = sum_dir # L4 - Tasks (add historical runs (old default) and dynamic spinup runs) if start_level <= 3: sum_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L4', 'summary') utils.mkdir(sum_dir) # Copy L3 files for consistency for bn in ['glacier_statistics', 'climate_statistics', 'fixed_geometry_mass_balance']: if start_level <= 2: ipath = os.path.join(sum_dir_L3, bn + '_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) else: ipath = file_downloader(os.path.join( get_prepro_base_url(base_url=start_base_url, rgi_version=rgi_version, border=border, prepro_level=start_level), 'summary', bn + '_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg))) opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, bn + '_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) shutil.copyfile(ipath, opath) # Get end date. The first gdir might have blown up, try some others i = 0 while True: if i >= len(gdirs): raise RuntimeError('Found no valid glaciers!') try: y0 = gdirs[i].get_climate_info()['baseline_yr_0'] # One adds 1 because the run ends at the end of the year ye = gdirs[i].get_climate_info()['baseline_yr_1'] + 1 break except BaseException: i += 1 # conduct historical run before dynamic melt_f calibration # (for comparison to old default behavior) workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.run_from_climate_data, gdirs, min_ys=y0, ye=ye, output_filesuffix='_historical') # Now compile the output opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, f'historical_run_output_{rgi_reg}.nc') utils.compile_run_output(gdirs, path=opath, input_filesuffix='_historical') # conduct dynamic spinup if wanted if dynamic_spinup: if y0 > dynamic_spinup_start_year: dynamic_spinup_start_year = y0 minimise_for = dynamic_spinup.split('/')[0] melt_f_max = cfg.PARAMS['melt_f_max'] workflow.execute_entity_task( tasks.run_dynamic_melt_f_calibration, gdirs, err_dmdtda_scaling_factor=err_dmdtda_scaling_factor, ys=dynamic_spinup_start_year, ye=ye, melt_f_max=melt_f_max, kwargs_run_function={'minimise_for': minimise_for}, ignore_errors=True, kwargs_fallback_function={'minimise_for': minimise_for}, output_filesuffix='_spinup_historical',) # Now compile the output opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, f'spinup_historical_run_output_{rgi_reg}.nc') utils.compile_run_output(gdirs, path=opath, input_filesuffix='_spinup_historical') # Glacier statistics we recompute here for error analysis opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'glacier_statistics_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) utils.compile_glacier_statistics(gdirs, path=opath) # Add the extended files pf = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'historical_run_output_{}.nc'.format(rgi_reg)) # We have copied the files above mf = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'fixed_geometry_mass_balance_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) sf = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'glacier_statistics_{}.csv'.format(rgi_reg)) opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, 'historical_run_output_extended_{}.nc'.format(rgi_reg)) utils.extend_past_climate_run(past_run_file=pf, fixed_geometry_mb_file=mf, glacier_statistics_file=sf, path=opath) # L4 OK - compress all in output directory log.workflow('L4 done. Writing to tar...') level_base_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L4') workflow.execute_entity_task(utils.gdir_to_tar, gdirs, delete=False, base_dir=level_base_dir) utils.base_dir_to_tar(level_base_dir) sum_dir_L4 = sum_dir if max_level == 4: _time_log() return # L5 - No tasks: make the dirs small sum_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L5', 'summary') utils.mkdir(sum_dir) # Copy L4 files for consistency files_to_copy = ['glacier_statistics', 'climate_statistics', 'fixed_geometry_mass_balance', 'historical_run_output', 'historical_run_output_extended'] files_suffixes = ['csv', 'csv', 'csv', 'nc', 'nc'] if dynamic_spinup: files_to_copy.append('spinup_historical_run_output') files_suffixes.append('nc') for bn, suffix in zip(files_to_copy, files_suffixes): if start_level <= 3: ipath = os.path.join(sum_dir_L4, bn + f'_{rgi_reg}.{suffix}') else: ipath = file_downloader(os.path.join( get_prepro_base_url(base_url=start_base_url, rgi_version=rgi_version, border=border, prepro_level=start_level), 'summary', bn + f'_{rgi_reg}.{suffix}')) opath = os.path.join(sum_dir, bn + f'_{rgi_reg}.{suffix}') shutil.copyfile(ipath, opath) # Copy mini data to new dir mini_base_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, 'mini_perglacier', 'RGI{}'.format(rgi_version), 'b_{:03d}'.format(border)) mini_gdirs = workflow.execute_entity_task(tasks.copy_to_basedir, gdirs, base_dir=mini_base_dir, setup='run/spinup') # L5 OK - compress all in output directory log.workflow('L5 done. Writing to tar...') level_base_dir = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'L5') workflow.execute_entity_task(utils.gdir_to_tar, mini_gdirs, delete=False, base_dir=level_base_dir) utils.base_dir_to_tar(level_base_dir) _time_log()
def parse_args(args): """Check input arguments and env variables""" # CLI args description = ('Generate the preprocessed OGGM glacier directories for ' 'this OGGM version.') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument('--map-border', type=int, help='the size of the map border. Is required if ' '$OGGM_MAP_BORDER is not set.') parser.add_argument('--rgi-reg', type=str, help='the rgi region to process. Is required if ' '$OGGM_RGI_REG is not set.') parser.add_argument('--rgi-version', type=str, help='the RGI version to use. Defaults to the OGGM ' 'default.') parser.add_argument('--start-level', type=int, default=0, help='the pre-processed level to start from (default ' 'is to start from 0). If set, you will need to ' 'indicate --start-base-url as well.') parser.add_argument('--start-base-url', type=str, help='the pre-processed base-url to fetch the data ' 'from when starting from level > 0.') parser.add_argument('--max-level', type=int, default=5, help='the maximum level you want to run the ' 'pre-processing for (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5).') parser.add_argument('--working-dir', type=str, help='path to the directory where to write the ' 'output. Defaults to current directory or ' '$OGGM_WORKDIR.') parser.add_argument('--params-file', type=str, help='path to the OGGM parameter file to use in place ' 'of the default one.') parser.add_argument('--output', type=str, help='path to the directory where to write the ' 'output. Defaults to current directory or ' '$OGGM_OUTDIR.') parser.add_argument('--logging-level', type=str, default='WORKFLOW', help='the logging level to use (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ' 'WORKFLOW).') parser.add_argument('--elev-bands', nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help='compute the flowlines based on the Huss & Farinotti ' '2012 method.') parser.add_argument('--centerlines', nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help='compute the flowlines based on the OGGM ' 'centerline(s) method.') parser.add_argument('--mb-calibration-strategy', type=str, default='informed_threestep', help='how to calibrate the massbalance. Currently one of ' 'informed_threestep (default) , melt_temp' 'or temp_melt.') parser.add_argument('--dem-source', type=str, default='', help='which DEM source to use. Possible options are ' 'the name of a specific DEM (e.g. RAMP, SRTM...) ' 'or ALL, in which case all available DEMs will ' 'be processed and adjoined with a suffix at the ' 'end of the file name. The ALL option is only ' 'compatible with level 1 folders, after which ' 'the processing will stop. The default is to use ' 'the default OGGM DEM.') parser.add_argument('--add-consensus-thickness', nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help='adds (reprojects) the consensus thickness ' 'estimates to the glacier directories. ' 'With --elev-bands, the data will also be ' 'binned.') parser.add_argument('--add-itslive-velocity', nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help='adds (reprojects) the ITS_LIVE velocity ' 'estimates to the glacier directories. ' 'With --elev-bands, the data will also be ' 'binned.') parser.add_argument('--add-millan-thickness', nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help='adds (reprojects) the millan thickness ' 'estimates to the glacier directories. ' 'With --elev-bands, the data will also be ' 'binned.') parser.add_argument('--add-millan-velocity', nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help='adds (reprojects) the millan velocity ' 'estimates to the glacier directories. ' 'With --elev-bands, the data will also be ' 'binned.') parser.add_argument('--add-hugonnet-dhdt', nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help='adds (reprojects) the millan dhdt ' 'maps to the glacier directories. ' 'With --elev-bands, the data will also be ' 'binned.') parser.add_argument('--demo', nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help='if you want to run the prepro for the ' 'list of demo glaciers.') parser.add_argument('--test', nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help='if you want to do a test on a couple of ' 'glaciers first.') parser.add_argument('--test-ids', nargs='+', help='if --test, specify the RGI ids to run separated ' 'by a space (default: 4 randomly selected).') parser.add_argument('--disable-mp', nargs='?', const=True, default=False, help='if you want to disable multiprocessing.') parser.add_argument('--dynamic-spinup', type=str, default='', help="include a dynamic spinup for matching glacier area " "('area/dmdtda') OR volume ('volume/dmdtda') at " "the RGI-date, AND mass-change from Hugonnet " "in the period 2000-2020 (dynamic mu* " "calibration).") parser.add_argument('--err-dmdtda-scaling-factor', type=float, default=1, help="scaling factor to account for correlated " "uncertainties of geodetic mass balance " "observations when looking at regional scale. " "Should be smaller or equal 1.") parser.add_argument('--dynamic-spinup-start-year', type=int, default=1979, help="if --dynamic-spinup is set, define the starting" "year for the simulation. The default is 1979, " "unless the climate data starts later.") args = parser.parse_args(args) # Check input rgi_reg = args.rgi_reg if args.demo: rgi_reg = 0 if not rgi_reg and not args.demo: rgi_reg = os.environ.get('OGGM_RGI_REG', None) if rgi_reg is None: raise InvalidParamsError('--rgi-reg is required!') rgi_reg = '{:02}'.format(int(rgi_reg)) ok_regs = ['{:02}'.format(int(r)) for r in range(1, 20)] if not args.demo and rgi_reg not in ok_regs: raise InvalidParamsError('--rgi-reg should range from 01 to 19!') rgi_version = args.rgi_version border = args.map_border if not border: border = os.environ.get('OGGM_MAP_BORDER', None) if border is None: raise InvalidParamsError('--map-border is required!') working_dir = args.working_dir if not working_dir: working_dir = os.environ.get('OGGM_WORKDIR', '') output_folder = args.output if not output_folder: output_folder = os.environ.get('OGGM_OUTDIR', '') border = int(border) output_folder = os.path.abspath(output_folder) working_dir = os.path.abspath(working_dir) dynamic_spinup = False if args.dynamic_spinup == '' else args.dynamic_spinup # All good return dict(rgi_version=rgi_version, rgi_reg=rgi_reg, border=border, output_folder=output_folder, working_dir=working_dir, params_file=args.params_file, is_test=args.test, test_ids=args.test_ids, demo=args.demo, dem_source=args.dem_source, start_level=args.start_level, start_base_url=args.start_base_url, max_level=args.max_level, disable_mp=args.disable_mp, logging_level=args.logging_level, elev_bands=args.elev_bands, centerlines=args.centerlines, add_consensus_thickness=args.add_consensus_thickness, add_millan_thickness=args.add_millan_thickness, add_itslive_velocity=args.add_itslive_velocity, add_millan_velocity=args.add_millan_velocity, add_hugonnet_dhdt=args.add_hugonnet_dhdt, dynamic_spinup=dynamic_spinup, err_dmdtda_scaling_factor=args.err_dmdtda_scaling_factor, dynamic_spinup_start_year=args.dynamic_spinup_start_year, mb_calibration_strategy=args.mb_calibration_strategy, ) def main(): """Script entry point""" run_prepro_levels(**parse_args(sys.argv[1:]))