Source code for oggm.workflow

"""Wrappers for the single tasks, multi processor handling."""
# Built ins
import logging
import os
import shutil
from import Sequence
# External libs
import multiprocessing
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import optimize as optimization

# Locals
import oggm
from oggm import cfg, tasks, utils
from oggm.core import centerlines, flowline, climate
from oggm.exceptions import InvalidParamsError, InvalidWorkflowError
from oggm.utils import global_task

    import oggm.mpi as ogmpi
    _have_ogmpi = True
except ImportError:
    _have_ogmpi = False

# Module logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Multiprocessing Pool
_mp_manager = None
_mp_pool = None

def _init_pool_globals(_cfg_contents, global_lock):
    utils.lock = global_lock

def init_mp_pool(reset=False):
    """Necessary because at import time, cfg might be uninitialized"""
    global _mp_manager, _mp_pool
    if _mp_pool and _mp_manager and not reset:
        return _mp_pool

    cfg.CONFIG_MODIFIED = False
    if _mp_pool:
        _mp_pool = None
    if _mp_manager:
        _mp_manager = None

    if cfg.PARAMS['use_mp_spawn']:
        mp = multiprocessing.get_context('spawn')
        mp = multiprocessing

    _mp_manager = mp.Manager()

    cfg_contents = cfg.pack_config()

    global_lock = _mp_manager.Lock()

    mpp = cfg.PARAMS['mp_processes']
    _mp_pool = mp.Pool(mpp, initializer=_init_pool_globals,
                       initargs=(cfg_contents, global_lock))
    return _mp_pool

def _merge_dicts(*dicts):
    r = {}
    for d in dicts:
    return r

class _pickle_copier(object):
    """Pickleable alternative to functools.partial,
    Which is not pickleable in python2 and thus doesn't work
    with Multiprocessing."""

    def __init__(self, func, kwargs):
        self.call_func = func
        self.out_kwargs = kwargs

    def _call_internal(self, call_func, gdir, kwargs):
        # If the function is None, assume gdir is tuple with task function
        if not call_func:
            call_func, gdir = gdir

        # Merge main kwargs with per-task kwargs
        kwargs = _merge_dicts(self.out_kwargs, kwargs)

        # If gdir is a sequence, again assume it's a tuple with per-gdir kwargs.
        if isinstance(gdir, Sequence) and not isinstance(gdir, str):
            gdir, gdir_kwargs = gdir

        return call_func(gdir, **kwargs)

    def __call__(self, arg):
        res = None
        for func in self.call_func:
            func, kwargs = func
            res = self._call_internal(func, arg, kwargs)
        return res

def reset_multiprocessing():
    """Reset multiprocessing state

    Call this if you changed configuration parameters mid-run and need them to
    be re-propagated to child processes.
    global _mp_pool
    if _mp_pool:
        _mp_pool = None
    cfg.CONFIG_MODIFIED = False

[docs]def execute_entity_task(task, gdirs, **kwargs): """Execute a task on gdirs. If you asked for multiprocessing, it will do it. If ``task`` has more arguments than `gdir` they have to be keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- task : function or sequence of functions The entity task(s) to apply. Can be None, in which case each gdir is expected to be a tuple of (task, gdir). When passing a sequence, each item can also optionally be a tuple of (task, dictionary). In this case the dictionary items will be passed to the task as kwargs. gdirs : list of :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` objects The glacier directories to process. Each individual gdir can optionally be a tuple of (gdir, dictionary). In this case, the values in the dictionary will be passed to the task as keyword arguments for that specific gdir. Returns ------- List of results from task. Last task if a list of tasks was given. """ # Normalize task into list of tuples for simplicity if not isinstance(task, Sequence): task = [task] tasks = [] for t in task: if isinstance(t, tuple): tasks.append(t) else: tasks.append((t, {})) # Reject global tasks for t in tasks: if t[0].__dict__.get('is_global_task', False): raise InvalidWorkflowError('execute_entity_task cannot be used on ' 'global tasks.') # Should be iterable gdirs = utils.tolist(gdirs) ng = len(gdirs) if ng == 0: log.workflow('Called execute_entity_task on 0 glaciers. Returning...') return log.workflow('Execute entity tasks [%s] on %d glaciers', ', '.join([t[0].__name__ for t in tasks]), ng) pc = _pickle_copier(tasks, kwargs) if _have_ogmpi: if ogmpi.OGGM_MPI_COMM is not None: return ogmpi.mpi_master_spin_tasks(pc, gdirs) if cfg.PARAMS['use_multiprocessing'] and ng > 1: mppool = init_mp_pool(cfg.CONFIG_MODIFIED) out =, gdirs, chunksize=1) else: if ng > 3: log.workflow('WARNING: you are trying to run an entity task on ' '%d glaciers with multiprocessing turned off. OGGM ' 'will run faster with multiprocessing turned on.', ng) out = [pc(gdir) for gdir in gdirs] return out
def execute_parallel_tasks(gdir, tasks): """Execute a list of task on a single gdir (experimental!). This is useful when running a non-sequential list of task on a gdir, mostly for e.g. different experiments with different output files. Parameters ---------- gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` the directory to process. tasks : list the the list of entity tasks to apply. Optionally, each list element can be a tuple, with the first element being the task, and the second element a dict that will be passed to the task function as ``**kwargs``. """ pc = _pickle_copier(None, {}) _tasks = [] for task in tasks: kwargs = {} if isinstance(task, Sequence): task, kwargs = task _tasks.append((task, (gdir, kwargs))) if _have_ogmpi: if ogmpi.OGGM_MPI_COMM is not None: ogmpi.mpi_master_spin_tasks(pc, _tasks) return if cfg.PARAMS['use_multiprocessing']: mppool = init_mp_pool(cfg.CONFIG_MODIFIED), _tasks, chunksize=1) else: for task, (gd, kw) in _tasks: task(gd, **kw) def gdir_from_prepro(entity, from_prepro_level=None, prepro_border=None, prepro_rgi_version=None, base_url=None): if prepro_border is None: prepro_border = int(cfg.PARAMS['border']) if prepro_rgi_version is None: prepro_rgi_version = cfg.PARAMS['rgi_version'] try: rid = entity.RGIId except AttributeError: rid = entity tar_base = utils.get_prepro_gdir(prepro_rgi_version, rid, prepro_border, from_prepro_level, base_url=base_url) from_tar = os.path.join(tar_base.replace('.tar', ''), rid + '.tar.gz') return oggm.GlacierDirectory(entity, from_tar=from_tar) def gdir_from_tar(entity, from_tar): try: rgi_id = entity.RGIId except AttributeError: rgi_id = entity from_tar = os.path.join(from_tar, '{}'.format(rgi_id[:8]), '{}.tar' .format(rgi_id[:11])) assert os.path.exists(from_tar), 'tarfile does not exist' from_tar = os.path.join(from_tar.replace('.tar', ''), rgi_id + '.tar.gz') return oggm.GlacierDirectory(entity, from_tar=from_tar) def _check_rgi_input(rgidf=None, err_on_lvl2=False): """Complain if the input has duplicates.""" if rgidf is None: return msg = ('You have glaciers with connectivity level 2 in your list. ' 'OGGM does not provide pre-processed directories for these.') # Check if dataframe or list of strs try: rgi_ids = rgidf.RGIId # if dataframe we can also check for connectivity if 'Connect' in rgidf and np.any(rgidf['Connect'] == 2): if err_on_lvl2: raise RuntimeError(msg) except AttributeError: rgi_ids = utils.tolist(rgidf) # Check for Connectivity level 2 here as well not_good_ids = pd.read_csv(utils.get_demo_file('rgi6_ids_conn_lvl2.csv'), index_col=0) try: if err_on_lvl2 and len(not_good_ids.loc[rgi_ids]) > 0: raise RuntimeError(msg) except KeyError: # Were good pass u, c = np.unique(rgi_ids, return_counts=True) if len(u) < len(rgi_ids): raise InvalidWorkflowError('Found duplicates in the list of ' 'RGI IDs: {}'.format(u[c > 1])) def _isdir(path): """os.path.isdir, returning False instead of an error on non-string/path-like objects """ try: return os.path.isdir(path) except TypeError: return False
[docs]def init_glacier_directories(rgidf=None, *, reset=False, force=False, from_prepro_level=None, prepro_border=None, prepro_rgi_version=None, prepro_base_url=None, from_tar=False, delete_tar=False): """Initializes the list of Glacier Directories for this run. This is the very first task to do (always). If the directories are already available in the working directory, use them. If not, create new ones. **Careful**: when starting from a pre-processed directory with `from_prepro_level` or `from_tar`, the existing directories will be overwritten! Parameters ---------- rgidf : GeoDataFrame or list of ids, optional for pre-computed runs the RGI glacier outlines. If unavailable, OGGM will parse the information from the glacier directories found in the working directory. It is required for new runs. reset : bool delete the existing glacier directories if found. force : bool setting `reset=True` will trigger a yes/no question to the user. Set `force=True` to avoid this. from_prepro_level : int get the gdir data from the official pre-processed pool. If this argument is set, the existing directories will be overwritten! prepro_border : int for `from_prepro_level` only: if you want to override the default behavior which is to use `cfg.PARAMS['border']` prepro_rgi_version : str for `from_prepro_level` only: if you want to override the default behavior which is to use `cfg.PARAMS['rgi_version']` prepro_base_url : str for `from_prepro_level` only: the preprocessed directory url from which to download the directories (became mandatory in OGGM v1.6) from_tar : bool or str, default=False extract the gdir data from a tar file. If set to `True`, will check for a tar file at the expected location in `base_dir`. delete the original tar file after extraction. If this argument is set, the existing directories will be overwritten! Returns ------- gdirs : list of :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` objects the initialised glacier directories """ _check_rgi_input(rgidf, err_on_lvl2=from_prepro_level) if reset and not force: reset = utils.query_yes_no('Delete all glacier directories?') if from_prepro_level: url = utils.get_prepro_base_url(base_url=prepro_base_url, border=prepro_border, prepro_level=from_prepro_level, rgi_version=prepro_rgi_version) if cfg.PARAMS['has_internet'] and not utils.url_exists(url): raise InvalidParamsError("base url seems unreachable with these " "parameters: {}".format(url)) if ('oggm_v1.4' in url and from_prepro_level >= 3 and not cfg.PARAMS['prcp_fac']): log.warning('You seem to be using v1.4 directories with a more ' 'recent version of OGGM. While this is possible, be ' 'aware that some defaults parameters have changed. ' 'See the documentation for details: ' '') # if reset delete also the log directory if reset: fpath = os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['working_dir'], 'log') if os.path.exists(fpath): shutil.rmtree(fpath) if rgidf is None: # Infer the glacier directories from folders available in working dir if reset: raise ValueError('Cannot use reset without setting rgidf') log.workflow('init_glacier_directories by parsing all available ' 'folders (this takes time: if possible, provide rgidf ' 'instead).') # The dirs should be there already gl_dir = os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['working_dir'], 'per_glacier') gdirs = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(gl_dir): if files and ('outlines.shp' in files or 'outlines.tar.gz' in files): gdirs.append(oggm.GlacierDirectory(os.path.basename(root))) else: # Create glacier directories from input # Check if dataframe or list of str try: entities = [] for _, entity in rgidf.iterrows(): entities.append(entity) except AttributeError: entities = utils.tolist(rgidf) if from_prepro_level is not None: log.workflow('init_glacier_directories from prepro level {} on ' '{} glaciers.'.format(from_prepro_level, len(entities))) # Read the hash dictionary before we use multiproc if cfg.PARAMS['dl_verify']: utils.get_dl_verify_data('') gdirs = execute_entity_task(gdir_from_prepro, entities, from_prepro_level=from_prepro_level, prepro_border=prepro_border, prepro_rgi_version=prepro_rgi_version, base_url=prepro_base_url) else: # We can set the intersects file automatically here if (cfg.PARAMS['use_intersects'] and len(cfg.PARAMS['intersects_gdf']) == 0 and not from_tar): try: rgi_ids = np.unique(np.sort([entity.rgi_id for entity in entities])) rgi_version = rgi_ids[0].split('-')[0][-2:] fp = utils.get_rgi_intersects_entities(rgi_ids, version=rgi_version) cfg.set_intersects_db(fp) except AttributeError: # RGI V6 try: rgi_ids = np.unique(np.sort([entity.RGIId for entity in entities])) rgi_version = rgi_ids[0].split('-')[0][-2:] fp = utils.get_rgi_intersects_entities(rgi_ids, version=rgi_version) cfg.set_intersects_db(fp) except AttributeError: # List of str pass if _isdir(from_tar): gdirs = execute_entity_task(gdir_from_tar, entities, from_tar=from_tar) else: gdirs = execute_entity_task(utils.GlacierDirectory, entities, reset=reset, from_tar=from_tar, delete_tar=delete_tar) return gdirs
[docs]@global_task(log) def gis_prepro_tasks(gdirs): """Run all flowline preprocessing tasks on a list of glaciers. Parameters ---------- gdirs : list of :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` objects the glacier directories to process """ task_list = [ tasks.define_glacier_region, tasks.glacier_masks, tasks.compute_centerlines, tasks.initialize_flowlines, tasks.compute_downstream_line, tasks.compute_downstream_bedshape, tasks.catchment_area, tasks.catchment_intersections, tasks.catchment_width_geom, tasks.catchment_width_correction ] for task in task_list: execute_entity_task(task, gdirs)
@global_task(log) def climate_tasks(gdirs, overwrite_gdir=False, override_missing=None): """Run all climate related entity tasks on a list of glaciers. Parameters ---------- gdirs : list of :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` objects the glacier directories to process """ # Process climate data execute_entity_task(tasks.process_climate_data, gdirs) # mass balance and the apparent mass balance execute_entity_task(tasks.mb_calibration_from_geodetic_mb, gdirs, override_missing=override_missing, overwrite_gdir=overwrite_gdir) execute_entity_task(tasks.apparent_mb_from_any_mb, gdirs)
[docs]@global_task(log) def inversion_tasks(gdirs, glen_a=None, fs=None, filter_inversion_output=True, add_to_log_file=True): """Run all ice thickness inversion tasks on a list of glaciers. Quite useful to deal with calving glaciers as well. Parameters ---------- gdirs : list of :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` objects the glacier directories to process add_to_log_file : bool if the called entity tasks should write into log of gdir. Default True """ if cfg.PARAMS['use_kcalving_for_inversion']: # Differentiate between calving and non-calving glaciers gdirs_nc = [] gdirs_c = [] for gd in gdirs: if gd.is_tidewater: gdirs_c.append(gd) else: gdirs_nc.append(gd) log.workflow('Starting inversion tasks for {} tidewater and {} ' 'non-tidewater glaciers.'.format(len(gdirs_c), len(gdirs_nc))) if gdirs_nc: execute_entity_task(tasks.prepare_for_inversion, gdirs_nc, add_to_log_file=add_to_log_file) execute_entity_task(tasks.mass_conservation_inversion, gdirs_nc, glen_a=glen_a, fs=fs, add_to_log_file=add_to_log_file) if filter_inversion_output: execute_entity_task(tasks.filter_inversion_output, gdirs_nc, add_to_log_file=add_to_log_file) if gdirs_c: execute_entity_task(tasks.find_inversion_calving_from_any_mb, gdirs_c, glen_a=glen_a, fs=fs, add_to_log_file=add_to_log_file) else: execute_entity_task(tasks.prepare_for_inversion, gdirs, add_to_log_file=add_to_log_file) execute_entity_task(tasks.mass_conservation_inversion, gdirs, glen_a=glen_a, fs=fs, add_to_log_file=add_to_log_file) if filter_inversion_output: execute_entity_task(tasks.filter_inversion_output, gdirs, add_to_log_file=add_to_log_file)
[docs]@global_task(log) def calibrate_inversion_from_consensus(gdirs, ignore_missing=True, fs=0, a_bounds=(0.1, 10), apply_fs_on_mismatch=False, error_on_mismatch=True, filter_inversion_output=True, volume_m3_reference=None, add_to_log_file=True): """Fit the total volume of the glaciers to the 2019 consensus estimate. This method finds the "best Glen A" to match all glaciers in gdirs with a valid inverted volume. Parameters ---------- gdirs : list of :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` objects the glacier directories to process ignore_missing : bool set this to true to silence the error if some glaciers could not be found in the consensus estimate. fs : float invert with sliding (default: no) a_bounds: tuple factor to apply to default A apply_fs_on_mismatch: false on mismatch, try to apply an arbitrary value of fs (fs = 5.7e-20 from Oerlemans) and try to optimize A again. error_on_mismatch: bool sometimes the given bounds do not allow to find a zero mismatch: this will normally raise an error, but you can switch this off, use the closest value instead and move on. filter_inversion_output : bool whether or not to apply terminus thickness filtering on the inversion output (needs the downstream lines to work). volume_m3_reference : float Option to give an own total glacier volume to match to add_to_log_file : bool if the called entity tasks should write into log of gdir. Default True Returns ------- a dataframe with the individual glacier volumes """ gdirs = utils.tolist(gdirs) # Get the ref data for the glaciers we have df = pd.read_hdf(utils.get_demo_file('rgi62_itmix_df.h5')) rids = [gdir.rgi_id for gdir in gdirs] found_ids = df.index.intersection(rids) if not ignore_missing and (len(found_ids) != len(rids)): raise InvalidWorkflowError('Could not find matching indices in the ' 'consensus estimate for all provided ' 'glaciers. Set ignore_missing=True to ' 'ignore this error.') df = df.reindex(rids) # Optimize the diff to ref def_a = cfg.PARAMS['inversion_glen_a'] def compute_vol(x): inversion_tasks(gdirs, glen_a=x*def_a, fs=fs, filter_inversion_output=filter_inversion_output, add_to_log_file=add_to_log_file) odf = df.copy() odf['oggm'] = execute_entity_task(tasks.get_inversion_volume, gdirs, add_to_log_file=add_to_log_file) # if the user provides a glacier volume all glaciers are considered, # dropna() below exclude glaciers where no ITMIX volume is available if volume_m3_reference is None: return odf.dropna() else: return odf def to_minimize(x): log.workflow('Consensus estimate optimisation with ' 'A factor: {} and fs: {}'.format(x, fs)) odf = compute_vol(x) if volume_m3_reference is None: return odf.vol_itmix_m3.sum() - odf.oggm.sum() else: return volume_m3_reference - odf.oggm.sum() try: out_fac, r = optimization.brentq(to_minimize, *a_bounds, rtol=1e-2, full_output=True) if r.converged: log.workflow('calibrate_inversion_from_consensus ' 'converged after {} iterations and fs={}. The ' 'resulting Glen A factor is {}.' ''.format(r.iterations, fs, out_fac)) else: raise ValueError('Unexpected error in optimization.brentq') except ValueError: # Ok can't find an A. Log for debug: odf1 = compute_vol(a_bounds[0]).sum() * 1e-9 odf2 = compute_vol(a_bounds[1]).sum() * 1e-9 if volume_m3_reference is None: ref_vol_1 = odf1.vol_itmix_m3 ref_vol_2 = odf2.vol_itmix_m3 else: ref_vol_1 = volume_m3_reference * 1e-9 ref_vol_2 = volume_m3_reference * 1e-9 msg = ('calibration from consensus estimate CAN\'T converge with fs={}.\n' 'Bound values (km3):\nRef={:.3f} OGGM={:.3f} for A factor {}\n' 'Ref={:.3f} OGGM={:.3f} for A factor {}' ''.format(fs, ref_vol_1, odf1.oggm, a_bounds[0], ref_vol_2, odf2.oggm, a_bounds[1])) if apply_fs_on_mismatch and fs == 0 and odf2.oggm > ref_vol_2: return calibrate_inversion_from_consensus(gdirs, ignore_missing=ignore_missing, fs=5.7e-20, a_bounds=a_bounds, apply_fs_on_mismatch=False, error_on_mismatch=error_on_mismatch, volume_m3_reference=volume_m3_reference, filter_inversion_output=filter_inversion_output, add_to_log_file=add_to_log_file) if error_on_mismatch: raise ValueError(msg) out_fac = a_bounds[int(abs(ref_vol_1 - odf1.oggm) > abs(ref_vol_2 - odf2.oggm))] log.workflow(msg) log.workflow('We use A factor = {} and fs = {} and move on.' ''.format(out_fac, fs)) # Compute the final volume with the correct A inversion_tasks(gdirs, glen_a=out_fac*def_a, fs=fs, filter_inversion_output=filter_inversion_output, add_to_log_file=add_to_log_file) df['vol_oggm_m3'] = execute_entity_task(tasks.get_inversion_volume, gdirs, add_to_log_file=add_to_log_file) return df
[docs]@global_task(log) def merge_glacier_tasks(gdirs, main_rgi_id=None, return_all=False, buffer=None, **kwargs): """Shortcut function: run all tasks to merge tributaries to a main glacier Parameters ---------- gdirs : list of :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` all glaciers, main and tributary. Preprocessed and initialised main_rgi_id: str RGI ID of the main glacier of interest. If None is provided merging will start based upon the largest glacier return_all : bool if main_rgi_id is given and return_all = False: only the main glacier is returned if main_rgi_is given and return_all = True, the main glacier and every remaining glacier from the initial gdirs list is returned, possible merged as well. buffer : float buffer around a flowline to first better find an overlap with another flowline. And second assure some distance between the lines at a junction. Will default to `cfg.PARAMS['kbuffer']`. kwargs: keyword argument for the recursive merging Returns ------- merged_gdirs: list of all merged :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` """ if len(gdirs) > 100: raise InvalidParamsError('this could take time! I should include an ' 'optional parameter to ignore this.') # sort all glaciers descending by area gdirs.sort(key=lambda x: x.rgi_area_m2, reverse=True) # if main glacier is asked, put it in first position if main_rgi_id is not None: gdir_main = [gd for gd in gdirs if gd.rgi_id == main_rgi_id][0] gdirs.remove(gdir_main) gdirs = [gdir_main] + gdirs merged_gdirs = [] while len(gdirs) > 1: # main glacier is always the first: either given or the largest one gdir_main = gdirs.pop(0) gdir_merged, gdirs = _recursive_merging(gdirs, gdir_main, **kwargs) merged_gdirs.append(gdir_merged) # now we have gdirs which contain all the necessary flowlines, # time to clean them up for gdir in merged_gdirs: flowline.clean_merged_flowlines(gdir, buffer=buffer) if main_rgi_id is not None and return_all is False: return [gd for gd in merged_gdirs if main_rgi_id in gd.rgi_id][0] # add the remaining glacier to the final list merged_gdirs = merged_gdirs + gdirs return merged_gdirs
def _recursive_merging(gdirs, gdir_main, glcdf=None, dem_source=None, filename='climate_historical', input_filesuffix=''): """ Recursive function to merge all tributary glaciers. This function should start with the largest glacier and then be called upon all smaller glaciers. Parameters ---------- gdirs : list of :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` all glaciers, main and tributary. Preprocessed and initialised gdir_main: :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` the current main glacier where the others are merge to glcdf: geopandas.GeoDataFrame which contains the main glaciers, will be downloaded if None filename: str Baseline climate file dem_source: str the DEM source to use input_filesuffix: str Filesuffix to the climate file Returns ------- merged_gdir: :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` the mergeed current main glacier gdirs : list of :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` updated list of glaciers, removed the already merged ones """ # find glaciers which intersect with the main tributaries = centerlines.intersect_downstream_lines(gdir_main, candidates=gdirs) if len(tributaries) == 0: # if no tributaries: nothing to do return gdir_main, gdirs # separate those glaciers which are not already found to be a tributary gdirs = [gd for gd in gdirs if gd not in tributaries] gdirs_to_merge = [] for trib in tributaries: # for each tributary: check if we can merge additional glaciers to it merged, gdirs = _recursive_merging(gdirs, trib, glcdf=glcdf, filename=filename, input_filesuffix=input_filesuffix, dem_source=dem_source) gdirs_to_merge.append(merged) # create merged glacier directory gdir_merged = utils.initialize_merged_gdir( gdir_main, tribs=gdirs_to_merge, glcdf=glcdf, filename=filename, input_filesuffix=input_filesuffix, dem_source=dem_source) flowline.merge_to_one_glacier(gdir_merged, gdirs_to_merge, filename=filename, input_filesuffix=input_filesuffix) return gdir_merged, gdirs