A modular open source glacier model in Python

The model accounts for glacier geometry (including contributory branches) and includes an explicit ice dynamics module. It can simulate past and future mass-balance, volume and geometry of (almost) any glacier in the world in a fully automated and extensible workflow. We rely exclusively on publicly available data for calibration and validation.


This is the software documentation: for general information about the OGGM project and related news, visit oggm.org.


This is the model documentation for users and developers as of version 1.1. For the documentation of the latest (cutting-edge) repository version, visit docs.oggm.org/en/latest.


Physical principles implemented in the model and their underlying assumptions, with as little code as possible. For more detailed information, we recommend to read the OGGM description paper as well.


Do you want to contribute to the model? This is the right place to start.

Get in touch

License and citation


OGGM is available under the open source GNU GPLv3 license.

OGGM is free software. This implies that you are free to use the model and copy or modify its code at your wish, under certain conditions:

  1. When using this software, please acknowledge the original authors of this contribution by linking to our project website www.oggm.org. For your publications, presentations or posters we kindly ask you to refer to the paper in Geoscientific Model Development (in review).

    BibTeX entry:

    AUTHOR = {Maussion, F. and Butenko, A. and Eis, J. and Fourteau, K. and
              Jarosch, A. H. and Landmann, J. and Oesterle, F. and
              Recinos, B. and Rothenpieler, T. and Vlug, A. and
              Wild, C. T. and Marzeion, B.},
    TITLE = {The Open Global Glacier Model (OGGM) v1.0},
    JOURNAL = {Geoscientific Model Development Discussions},
    VOLUME = {2018},
    YEAR = {2018},
    PAGES = {1--33},
    URL = {https://www.geosci-model-dev-discuss.net/gmd-2018-9/},
    DOI = {10.5194/gmd-2018-9}

    If you want to refer to a specific version of the software you can use the Zenodo citation for this purpose.

    An example BibTeX entry:

    author       = {Fabien Maussion and Timo Rothenpieler and
                    Beatriz Recinos and Anouk Vlug and
                    Ben Marzeion and Felix Oesterle and
                    Johannes Landmann and Alex Jarosch and
                    Julia Eis and Anton Butenko and Schmitty Smith},
    title        = {OGGM/oggm: v1.0.0},
    month        = jan,
    year         = 2018,
    doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.1149701},
    url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1149701}
  2. Your modifications to the code belong to you, but if you decide to share these modifications with others you’ll have to do so under the same license as OGGM (the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation).

See the wikipedia page about GPL and the OGGM license for more information.


Pypi version Supported python versions
GMD Paper Zenodo
Code coverage Linux build status Mass-balance cross validation Documentation status Benchmark status
GNU GPLv3 license

See the version history for a list of all contributors.